Monday, March 19, 2007

Some simple understanding of astrology

by Mere T.

I love reading. It has been a habit ingrained since young by my father who told me I could find troves of treasures when you read books. I have been reading since. As for this blog, I am doing my best to post daily. Frankly, this is something new to me as I just started blogging not too long ago. However, the best way to succeed is to keep doing it consistently.

I have just finished read "Ask your guide" and now I am reading through another book about Astrology. It is really interesting to learn the close relationship between human civilization and planetary formations. Every known civilization in history had fond affinity to study planets and stars.

Here is what I read so far. All planets and stars have traits and characteristics. You are really made from star dust hence your emotions are linked to your star formations at the time of your birth. It is no wonder that many people like to use heavenly bodies to understand relationships amd lifes.

In your birth-chart, some planets dominate and the others do not. The dominating planet will influence the personality more. Therefore, if you study the influences of the few planets in a given time, you can really predict the good and bad things in life. Knowing the things in advance will help you dilute the intensity of sufferings, but nevertheless the suffering shall be there. Maria Duval must be an expert in this!

Astrology is also widely used to understood boy and girl relationship because With every individual, one planet would provide the dominating influence. He or she will be identified with that planet.

About the Author:
Mere T. is a keen spiritualist. Her spirituality blog is found at Tribute to Maria Duval.
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