Monday, March 19, 2007

Love is in the Stars - Relationship Astrology part 1

by Sam Geppi

Love is in the Stars - Relationship Astrology part 1 - Elemental Astrology. This is #1 in a series of relationship astrology articles.

Please visit to see the other articles on this subject titled "Love is in the Stars."Fundamentals of Relationship Astrology

Relationship astrology is nothing new, yet it is experiencing a renaissance these days as more and more people rediscover the ancient, holistic wisdom that astrology offers. Thousands of years ago, every culture used astrology. The human beings who lived on Earth at the time developed subtle and meaningful spiritual technologies; astrology was among them. Just as humans today develop technologies that bring about more convenience and entertainment, ancient cultures everywhere developed subtle and magical systems awakening. Astrology, as the science of universal energy and unfolding time, was chief among them.

Even the most cursory look at a basic Astrology book will show the importance of masculine and feminine energy in life. There are two female and two male elements in the astrology chart. Each element is repeated three times through different modalities. (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable)

The four elements in the Astrology chart from the densest to finest are: Earth and Water (female) -- Fire and Air (male) -- LET'S LOOK DEEPER.

Feminine Energy in the Astrology Chart

Earth shows our physical body as well as all things that are practical, useful, tangible and material. Our life unfolds through our physical body and its needs are the most urgent when they arise. The element of Earth will remain at rest unless acted upon by another force or object. Earth provides the tangible structure for which our life unfolds, but it may also be the stagnant quality that prevents our life from moving forward. Earth rules the sense of smell.

Water shows the flow of our senses into our environment and the deep emotional connections formed. Water is related to our feelings. Water and Earth together creates growth, in the form of plants. Plants provide food and sustenance for all creatures as well as oxygen for us to breathe. Water gives a connection to love and feelings, which gives rise to a caring heart and a compassionate life. Water rests upon Earth and nourishes it, just as the senses feed, and love nourishes, our body. Yet water may make us cling to fantasies, memories or emotions. Water rules the sense of taste.

Female Energy wants to stabilize, sensitize and nourish us, just like Earth and water. Thus women are generally the most interested in feelings, emotions, stability, and being grounded in their body and senses. When feeling a sense of lack in these areas, a woman's actions and thought's will tend to be inconsistent and hard to understand.

These feminine qualities of Earth and water are fundamental to any actions that come later. For both men and women, if we are disconnected from our deeper feeling nature , our actions (as shown by the male signs) will lack sensitivity and meaning.

* Generally speaking, when women feel good about themselves, they will do good things.

Masculine Energy in the Astrology Chart

Fire shows our passions, drives, motivations and digestion of all sorts. As water feeds the body, fire digests what it is fed. Earth and water creates plants; fire is hidden in the plants. Not only is food digested, all information and sensory stimulation must be assimilated and digested. This process of digestion creates heat, warmth and light that illuminates our path; or this fire may burn us or others or create smoke that obscures our path. Fire rules the sense of sight.

Air shows our thoughts, philosophies and motion of all sorts. Fire disperses into the air, into the atmosphere. The food we eat, after its digested leads to movement of all sorts, both in the body and the mind. Air is related to the breath, the vitality. The motion of air can have a worthy goal and bring great understanding or it can be scattered and devoid of meaning by disturbing our peace of mind and emotions (Think of air creating waves on water). Air rules the sense of touch.

Male energy wants to assert, comprehend and protect, just like fire and Air signs. Men are generally the most comfortable in situations where they can think independently and do something for themselves or others. When they are unable to think or act in a situation, their feelings will be inconsistent, unpredictable and hard to understand.

These masculine qualities of life are necessary if we are to grow in truthful identity, strength and understanding. Lacking a clear purpose and consistent powerful actions, our life will stagnate, lack direction and we will not grow toward a higher purpose.

* In general, when men do good things, they feel good about themselves.

In the Vedic sciences there are five elements; the fifth element is space. Space (ether) is related to pure consciousness, the witnessing self, which is not identified with the previous four elements. Space is the container of the other elements; everything exists in space. This is why we are able to perceive our thoughts and actions, watch them move and witness them. If there were no space between our thoughts or no space operating behind them, from what vantage point would we be able to observe them?

Space refers to our freedom and flexibility. We are not just confined to qualities of life on Earth. We have the free will to decide any course of action and observe our mind/body events.

About the Author:
Sam Geppi (Sadasiva) is a certified Vedic astrologer and author of "The Ascendant". He offers a free email course "Stellar Relationships" at Horoscope Love Astrology which illuminates Vedic relationship astrology. He also offers a Daily Horoscope Podcast
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